February 6, 2017

Welcome to another week of reflections of life in Vancouver!  It is Sunday afternoon right now as I sit here and write this and the snow is falling outside – such a surreal experience for this Aussie girl.  It is particularly strange as I am talking to all my Australian friends back home where they are experiencing scorching temperatures.  Lets hope this picture of the snow in Vancouver helps cool all my Aussie friends down!

1. Groundhog day is a real thing – trouble is there seems to be loads of groundhogs and they all say something different!

2. Nothing beats having a garage to park your car in when the temperatures are low and it is snowing (no we don’t have a garage so poor Emilio is feeling it as he removes the ice and snow)

3. I have now moved on from boots to winter coats!  

4. Dance classes are very expensive in Vancouver!

5. It still feels colder in Sydney when it is 15 degrees than it does in Vancouver when it is 5 degrees

6. This weeks Canadian lingo lesson – bathroom/toilet = washroom. Feeling proud that I am finally remembering this when out and need directions to the washroom!

7. Dogs don’t forget their family even if they haven’t seen them for weeks!

8. Dogs love snow and their paws don’t feel the cold (I even looked it up to check)!

8. When it is snowing you need to pick up the dog poo straight away otherwise it is quickly buried and you step in it (this was Indi’s reflection!)

9. Moving house is so much easier when all your possessions fit in 11 bags! 

10. We still can’t get used to seeing a “medicinal” Cannabis shop on every corner?!?

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February 4, 2017

After a beautiful week with crystal clear skies we woke this morning to snow!  What began as light snow turned heavier as the day went on and Vancouver is now covered in a blanket of snow!  At least 10cm fell today meaning that we played hooky from school, pulled out the toboggans and played in the lane behind our house!  So much fun!  

We have had a big week this week with Scooter arriving from Australia on Monday and then on Tuesday we moved to our new rental, which will be our home for the next 5 months!   Lets say moving home with just 11 bags is so much easier than moving a house!  Three trips in the car and we were done!  

Here are a few photos from today – Scooter seemed to enjoy the snow as well!

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SledSweet Style-6362

Faster Daddy!Sweet Style-6367

HappySweet Style-6355

FunSweet Style-6377DownhillSweet Style-6405 Next …Sweet Style-6389Traffic FreeSweet Style-6398

Where is everyone?
Sweet Style-6407 First snowSweet Style-6411

White outSweet Style-6413

The neighboursSweet Style-6417Our streetSweet Style-6419Wait for me

January 27, 2017

Another week and more reflections! I am sure I will laugh when I look back at these reflections after we have lived here for 2 years.

1. Vancouver drivers are polite, drive at the speed limit (which is 50) and stop before the lights turn red – you do not under any circumstances put your foot to the ground and try and get through the orange light or block someone coming out of the side road!

2. I have had no problems driving on the opposite side of the road however I still have to stop and think twice about which side of the car I get in and I automatically reach over my right shoulder for my seat belt!

3. Sunglasses are more necessary here in Vancouver in the winter than in Sydney in summer – the sun does not go very high in the sky so it always seems to be right in your eyes.

4. Canadians seem to have better balance and a good recovery when walking on slippery ice! Obviously inbuilt at birth when you are born in a country where it snows and is icy!

5. School excursions for the girls have been trips to the ice skating rink and the tubing park! Only a few short months ago they were all off doing surf school at the beach – how cool is that!

6. All the winter clothes are on sale here however when I look at the average temperatures for the next few months in Vancouver I cant see where winter finishes?

7. I have moved on from beanies to boots – so many nice boots here!

8. The price of meat in Canada is RIDICULOUS! I saw lamb cutlets the other day for $79 per kilo!

9. Lamb Cutlets are called Popsicles – cute! (until you look at the price)

10. It is acceptable to wear Ugg boots to school!

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January 26, 2017

While everyone down under is celebrating Australia Day I was once again out discovering!  Fun signs are everywhere.  Some informative and others a bit cryptic that you need to really look at!  We certainly made time for a special lunch time stop though with some fellow Aussie expats living here in Vancouver!  Still only the 25th here though so that means we can celebrate again tomorrow?  Right??!!

Happy Straya Day everyone!

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January 23, 2017

I love photographing trees and I am really looking forward to watching the dramatic change of the seasons during our time here in Canada.  The girls have noticed that we seem to see a birds nest in every second tree and a cute squirrel running up every third tree.  I have also seen a few Eagles!  There are so many beautiful tree lined streets and parks here – I can’t wait to discover more.

The weather is still mighty frosty in the morning – 0 degrees this morning so lots of ice covering the ground! 

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