January 20, 2017

We have been in Vancouver for 3 weeks now so I thought I would share some reflections on life here!  Hoping to make this a regular occurrence on the blog over the coming months!  

Reflections No 1

1. Driving around the entire city of Vancouver is easier and less stressful that driving around Sydney’s north shore.

2. Vancouver has had the coldest winter in 10 years and we arrived right in the middle of it. Three weeks later and the temperatures have gone from -6 for my morning walks to +6 and I am suddenly not thinking it is cold anymore! Looking at the rest of Canada though I am glad we moved to Vancouver as there are some seriously crazy low temperatures around (like where Sarah moved to!)!

3. Thank heavens for heated BMW seat and steering wheels! BMW air conditioning/heating on the other hand is a mystery.

4. Snow is beautiful and pretty and so great for photographing and we were so lucky to experience the snow in Vancouver – getting around after it has settled is however treacherous and the Vancouver footpaths are like ice skating rinks!I

5. Snow tires do not stop your car from slipping back down a hill if there is ice on the road! You know it is not good when your husband who is a confident driver says “Oh shit I have no control over this car” – very pleased the rain how now washed the ice away from our street and we can drive back up it again!

6. I have a new found appreciation for winter accessories as you get to wear them here! I am on the eternal search for a new beanie!

7. Canadians call beanies toques!

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January 19, 2017

Not much happening at Kitsilano Yacht Club in winter! There are loads of boats sitting in the water though and a few out gliding across the harbour.  There is something about living in a city with a harbour and while nothing quite compares to Sydney Harbour I have really fallen for the beauty of Vancouver with the stunning mountains behind the city.  Even the large tankers sitting out in the water peacefully are to be admired!

Sweet Style-5715 Not much going on at the yacht club

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January 17, 2017

Discover is my current word of the moment!  I am loving being in a new city and while the weather has been chilly – the coldest winter Vancouver has had for 10 years – it has been blue skies which is perfect for me and my love of walking with my camera!  My iPhone tells me that on Wednesday last week I walked 11km and on Thursday I walked 10km.  – 6 degrees both days and that was 10am – I most certainly have never walked when it has been that cold as it never gets that cold in Sydney!  The rain is set to return so that is set to put a dampener on my walking!

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January 14, 2017

So this week it was back to school for Sienna.  She was nervous and anxious which as to be expected – when you are in a new country, going to a school that is not the “traditional” style of school and you are 12 years old, anything different is stressful, but she is a trooper and learning to trust her mum and dad in this new direction we have taken for the next few years.

Sienna is still very reluctant to talk to others about her new school – she says she is embarrassed as it is not a traditional school so she doesn’t want anyone knowing about it just yet.  I get why she feels this way – nobody wants to be seen as different, but I am sure over time she will embrace her individuality and be happy to tell others about her experiences – well my fingers are crossed anyway.  

For those who have not heard about Eaton Arrowsmith I would recommend you jump on the website and have read – they have an incredibly unique method of teaching for kids who just don’t “get it” in mainstream school.  There was a fantastic 60 Minutes story by Charles Wooley back in 2014 which is the best way to grasp what they do at the school (you can click here to watch it).  Also visit the main Arrowsmith School website for loads more reading and information about how it all started.  It was while watching this story 2 and a half years ago that the seed was first planted in my head about this style of school.  I still can believe that we have taken the plunge and moved our entire family to Canada so we could enrol Sienna – but here we are, feeling ever so grateful for the opportunity!

So today a few photos of Sienna on her first day at EAS – As you know through my involvement with the Stillbirth Foundation I am all about talking about these things – with awareness comes acceptance and understanding and hopefully a way for others in a similar situation to learn more, so while Sienna is still not yet ready to talk about EAS I will continue to add snippets about the program here during our time in Vancouver.  Please feel free to ask any questions if you have any – I am always happy and willing to share our experience!
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January 12, 2017

We took our first trip to Whistler last weekend – very much the thing to do when you are a Vancouver local!  It seems that most of the Aussie expats we have met that are living here spend their week in Vancouver and head to Whistler every weekend to enjoy the skiing!  

As we are not yet skiers we just did the sightseeing tour – spectacular!  I can see there will be many more weekends spent in this part of the world!  We were hard pressed to find a local while in Whistler – every cafe, lift operator, hotel desk operator and tourist came with an Australian accent – seems we like it over here!

They have had so much snow this season – the best for years – so we are definitely seeing this part of the world at its best! The girls had a great time tubing while Mr A and I stood around freezing our butts off – need to put an end to that and learn to ski!!  

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