March 21, 2016

I am back teaching my DSLR Photography workshop at Little Lane Workshops on Saturday 2nd April and I would love you to join me!  

This 3 hours workshop is filled with loads of great info that will get you shooting in manual mode on your camera.  We go over all the camera settings, talk cameras and lenses and do plenty of hands on photography.  We also create a beautiful styled shot so you go away with some wonderful images.  To finish off we talk about editing, using your images and a bit of social media.

Visit the Little Lane Workshop page to book your seat!

Photography Insta

February 28, 2016

With February about to come to an end I am here to give you my latest favourites!  I must say February is one of my favourite months of the year.  The kids are back at school so I have time to get on top of all those chores that build up over the summer holidays when kids are around a lot more and it is a time of new routines and goals!  It is also probably one of the warmest months of the year and I love summer – it just makes me happy!  On Thursday it was a scorching 38 degrees here in Sydney and I took a deviation from the norm and headed to Bondi for a walk on the beach in the morning and then came home and went for a swim in my pool all by myself in the middle of the day! Unheard of!  I even went for a second swim with the kids after school!  

So here I have for you my February Favourites!  I hope you enjoy them.

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I have never been one to spend much time in Bondi but in the past few months I have headed there to capture images of what is really a beautiful place in the world.  The image above is one I took this week however, the main inspiration for all of this is the daily email I receive from the one and only Uge from Aquabumps!  He really is the master of the Bondi image and I love everything he creates!  Check out his website here and make sure you join up for his daily email which will make you smile.

Next up is my favourite Instagram and You tube film maker – Sam Evans.  Just love his 15 second clips on Instagram and his longer versions on You Tube.  Mini films is definitely on my to do list for 2016!

If you have kids, especially teenagers or soon to be teenagers, this great article on raising awesome teenagers is worth a read.

Support a wonderful cause by visiting the Aussie Wellness Women website.  Purchase the beautiful e-book From Our Kitchen to Yours which is filled with beautiful, healthy recipes or take part in the Aussie wide donation drop.

And finally I am loving the wall makeover from the one and only Kara Rosenlund.  See it here.

February 14, 2016

Time for some cuteness overload as today we celebrated the one year anniversary of the arrival of our gorgeous baby boy to our home!  He really does give us so much joy and for me he is a constant companion when I am home!  We thought he was so adorable when we brought him home last year but look at him now!  Model material as he sits on my bed and stares out at the birds and local golfers that pass us by (we live on the edge of a golf course and he keeps close guard of our house while perched up high above the 6th fairway!!).

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And here he is the day he arrived home a year ago!  Look at that spotty little nose!sweet-style-3438 sweet-style-3451

January 26, 2016

What better images to post here on Australia than some of one of Australia’s iconic Bondi Beach.  I avoided the Australia Day crowds and took a trip there yesterday when it was surprisingly quiet!  Admittedly the weather was not amazing but still I was surprised at actually how quiet it was down there considering it is a long weekend here in Australia.  I hope all my Aussie friends have enjoyed a relaxing and fun Australia Day and for those on the other side of the world I hope you are not caught in snow storms!

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January 21, 2016

While I love a trip the beach in summer I have to admit this year I have avoided it and opted for the “lets just stay home and swim in the pool ” – the beach is stressfull at this time of the year – the parking, the crowds, the stress of watching the kids go out too far in the waves when I am not really in rescue mode and I will say it again – the parking! On Monday however it threw caution to the wind and did an impromptu “let’s go the beach kids”.  It was 4pm when I said it so with that everyone threw on their swimming costumes, grabbed a towel and we jumped in the car.  By 4.20pm we were parked beach front at Manly (for a cost of $8 per hour mind you – while this did save the finding a park stress, it still freaks me out that a few hours by the beach costs this much).

The weather was perfect – a beautiful 28 degree summer day! My idea of magic – the old fashioned fish and chips while watching the locals was also a pretty good way to end the day!

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