August 18, 2015

Beautiful, insane, quirky and magical!  Eleven years ago today she arrived – the most amazing light at the end of a long dark tunnel after losing our first born.  

Her many faces say it all!  Here is a look back at ten – she has grown up so much in this past year.

Happy Birthday to our Sienna. Words do not describe our love for her. 


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Photography :: Leanne Ambrogio | Sweet Style

August 17, 2015

Hello Friends!  I know I haven’t been here much lately and I have been truly enjoying a life a little less online but today I just sat down at my computer and decided to type.  I have been going over in my mind how I can continue my blog without getting caught up in the craziness of it having to always be perfect, always be something more than what it really is.  This space is really my little corner where I share what I am up to in the present, something I love, something I relate to.  

When I first started my blog it was about life in general, the story of building a new house and what we were up to.  It then changed as i grew and new opportunities arose – it became all about my online store and my parties.  Things have changed again and now my life is back to being about my family and my photography.  My business changed from being about parties to being about photography.  It is not a huge business as I honestly don’t need to be working every day – I am very fulfilled looking after my beautiful children and husband and taking on the odd photography job here and there mainly for people I have met in my everyday life as well as teaching photography workshops when the demand is there.  

So now I am moving forward without a set goal for my blog, but I still love to share, who knows where it will lead and if anyone will visit – some days it will be showing the fun work jobs I have had, other days it will be a favourite snaps, a trip away or even some food.  I have been to a few amazing photography workshops lately as I love absorbing and being around likeminded people – it is just so wonderful – I share a few of these shots as well.  It will not be too wordy and some days there may be no words at all – but I will be here sharing.  

To start a snap from a recent school holiday walk with the girls from Bronte to Bondi – no doubt you will see more of these snaps in the coming months as I love looking back over them and remembering how much fun it is just to be out walking and living life in our amazing country.


Photography :: Leanne Ambrogio | Sweet Style

August 3, 2015

I posted a few pictures from our recent trip to Canberra here and today I have a few from our day in the NSW snowfields that we also enjoyed during our school holiday road trip!  It was the first time the girls had seen snow and they were very excited.  No skiing this time, just some tobogganing and sightseeing at lovely Perisher.  The week we visited had not been so great for snow fall but it was still picture perfect for us.

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Photography :: Leanne Ambrogio | Sweet Style

July 30, 2015

161A7353We took a trip to our nations capital during our recent school holidays – such a change for us as we always head somewhere warm at this time of year!  Canberra in winter I must say was just fantastic!  We really did have a wonderful time and visited all the great attractions that Canberra has to offer.  The girls loved Questacon, we all loved the Australian Institute of Sport and it was wonderful to look around our amazing Parliament House.    We also walked around the War Memorial and The Australian Mint as well as spent the morning at the Art Gallery.  We visited Cockington Green Gardens which I visited as a school girl and did the drive by of the lovely embassies.  

We discovered the amazing food scene that the ACT has to offer as well.  So much to choose from and worth just going to a weekend to discover for yourself.  Our favourites were Ona on the Lawns in Manuka, The Cupping Room in the city and Penny University in Griffith.  We will definitely be heading back to discover more soon.

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