May 16, 2014

So you have all the bits and pieces to make a really good party but have no idea how to put it together to create the wow factor?

I have great news for you – it is workshop time and the Style + Shoot workshop is for you.

I have teamed up with Claire from Confetti Fair as one of the presenters at this great four hour learning experience.
Nicolle from Ra Ra Kitty is kicking off the day creating the perfect set up for your party.  Once the setup is complete you will of course need to know how to photograph it so your work can be seen in magazines and on blogs.

I will be taking you through a lesson on how to get the best shot on your camera and phone, and then showing you how to make it them magazine worthy images.

Lunch is also included and a fantastic goodie bag!

Tickets are selling fast so head on over to the Confetti Fair website here, where you can find out all the details.

Look forward to meeting you there!

May 13, 2014

Have you seen the latest creation from Loni Parker – the lovely lady behind Adore Magazine?  Loni has been hard at work for the past year producing her first hard cover book.   Here are a few photos I shared this week via instagram – I even have a little feature on page 184 where I give my Dessert Table hints and tips.

You can pick up your copy by visiting the Adore Magazine website.

May 9, 2014

Mothers Day is nearly here and I still need to get out to find the perfect gift for my mum and mother in law!

I jumped online today to find some inspiration and here is what I came up with! I must say I am never short of things to suggest for myself.

Wishing all the mums out there a very Happy Mothers Day.

1 Flowers :: 2 Necklace :: 3 Royal Albert Cups :: 4 Cushion :: 5 Book

April 29, 2014

Hello Everyone!  I am hitting publish post today from beautiful Bali where I am relaxing for a week with Mr A – BLISS!

A little update today though on my 52 week project that I started this year – a photo each week of my girls together!

While they are back at home having quality Nanna and Aunty Kae time here is a look at weeks 9-16 with the girls.  A certain 3 additions to our family on week 11 have also become regulars in our weekly photos!









April 24, 2014

Before I tell you the winner of this weeks Royal Albert Giveaway it is time to share with you the recipe for the absolutely perfect, totally amazing icing that you can see on these delicious cupcakes!

Again the recipe is by Gillian from Crumbs of Comfort Cake Design who I witnessed whipping up these delights for me!

She calls it the cheats version of Swiss Meringue Butercream – I call it naughty but oh so yummy!

Cheats Swiss Meringue Buttercream
250 butter
250 copha
750 soft icing sugar
1 1/2 tablespoons magic pav
1/4 cup water
The butter and copha needs to be soft.  Melt the copha if it’s super hard and pop it in the fridge once it starts to go cloudy again it’s ready to mix.
Beat the batter and copha really well until light with no lumps. Add half the sugar and mix to combine. Add magic pav to remainder of icing sugar and add to mix.  After 30 secs add the water (and flavour and/or colour).
Beat for ten minutes .. This makes sure it’s not gritty
And so now to the winner of this weeks Cake Stand Giveaway
Congratulations to entry no 1 – Anne Canalese
Please email me with your address details and so I can send off your prize!
Photography & Styling :: Leanne Ambrogio | Sweet Style
Recipe :: Gillian Brown | Crumbs of Comfort Cake Design
Teaware Range :: Royal Albert Australia
Flowers :: Fiona Kate


The Perfect Icing & a Giveaway Winner
Recipe Type: Dessert
Author: Leanne
Cheats Swiss Meringue Buttercream 250 butter 250 copha 750 soft icing sugar 1 1/2 tablespoons magic pav 1/4 cup water The butter and copha needs to be soft.  Melt the copha if it’s super hard and pop it in the fridge once it starts to go cloudy again it’s ready to mix. Beat the batter and copha really well until light with no lumps. Add half the sugar and mix to combine. Add magic pav to remainder of icing sugar and add to mix.  After 30 secs add the water (and flavour and/or colour). Beat for ten minutes .. This makes sure it’s not gritty
  • 250 butter
  • 250 copha
  • 750 soft icing sugar
  • 1 1/2 tablespoons magic pav
  • 1/4 cup water
  1. The butter and copha needs to be soft. Melt the copha if it’s super hard and pop it in the fridge once it starts to go cloudy again it’s ready to mix.
  2. Beat the batter and copha really well until light with no lumps. Add half the sugar and mix to combine. Add magic pav to remainder of icing sugar and add to mix.
  3. After 30 secs add the water (and flavour and/or colour).
  4. Beat for ten minutes .. .This makes sure it’s not gritty